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5 Tips for Working from Home

The Coronavirus continues to change the way we live and spend our leisure time. More particularly, it's changed the way we work. As a result, this pandemic has led to many companies recommending that their employees work from home, many even for the first time.

It goes without saying that teleworking is a new reality being faced by many, and it's definitely one that takes some getting used to. However whether it's being done by choice or by necessity, working from home can come with its own perks as well.

Below you will find a few tips that may help you make the most out of working from home. Without further ado, lets jump right into them.

1. Maintain a Regular Routine

When it comes to working from home, setting a schedule and sticking to it (most of the time) is key. Having clear guidelines for when to work and when to call it a day is an essential component to maintaining work-life balance. That also means that when working remotely, creating those triggers to help start your day on the right foot will really go a long way in helping you work without any distraction. And if you need more structure to your remote working schedule, it might be worthwhile for you to establish a designated work space that will better help you in remaining focused.

2. Stay Motivated

This may surprise you, however, having a mere to-do list written down in front of you can potentially do wonders for you in order to remain both organised and motivated when working from home. Checking off those goals as your day goes by will act as a reminder that you are making continuous progress, giving you the positive self-reinforcement that one needs. Just remember to write these down as opposed to having a list in your head! That way, you won't need to devote any memory to constantly remembering what you need to do.

3. Schedule Your Breaks

Much like a regular office job, working from home will require a schedule in order to maintain consistent productivity. That of course includes scheduling your breaks. Giving yourself an adequate amount of time to get away from your computer screen and phone is imperative to remaining productive and motivated. And make sure that you do not short-change yourself during breaks either, especially during your lunch hour. Taking breaks in their entirety can play a crucial role in sustaining work-life balance.

4. Collaborate

Even though remote working may seem like a solo experience at first glance, it actually tends to involve some amount of interacting with others. Whether it be your clients or your colleagues, talking face to face can help your process of collaboration. That said, we strongly urge you to consider videoconferencing for these moments. While email can be an effective way of communicating, when it comes to asking quick questions or sending out fast updates, videoconferencing is the way to go.

5. Make It Personal

Most importantly, find a routine that works best for you. At times, the answer may seem apparent, but other times you might need some inspiration from other people who are in the same boat as you. It may take some amount of experimentation before you find what really works for you, but when you do, your remote working productivity will surely skyrocket!

Now that you're all set for tips and tricks on how to better carry out your teleworking routine, perhaps it's time to start thinking about things to do outside of work also!

Stuck for fun things to do at home? Check out our 5 Productive Things to do at Home for more info on that topic!


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